Dell Venue Pro 8

As my PC is on the brink of death, I’m hunting around for a replacement.  So what sets out to be a laptop replacement is becoming of a tablet upgrade.  During my search I came across a new breed of 8″ tablets that is running Windows.  Yes, you probably think I’m crazy as why would I want a windows machine and in a tablet form factor.  The thing is that these new window tablets are running FULL version of Windows 8.1 and not the crappy windows RT.  This means all the windows software that I own can be used on this 8″ Tablet!

Which also makes this thing my laptop replacement.  Well, since its still in transit, I’ve yet to try it out but based on all the YouTube post reviewing this device, I’m sold, also I got it cheap at the Microsoft store for a promo price of $220 (32gb) for the Dell Venue Pro 8.

You must think how can I use this tiny screen to do anything on it.  Well, I’ve discovered there’s these devices call USB host which can use the USB port on the tablet and convert into USB ports/LAN/video outputs.  So all I need to do is plug it to a monitor with keyboard/mouse and its a full desktop.

I can’t wait for this beauty to arrive as I always wanted to upgrade my 3 yrs old ipad.  Anyway, you can check out this tablet here.


Dell Venue Pro 8