Apple’s new range of Ipods are here

Apple have updated their entire range of ipod products starting with the shuffle, nano, touch and classic.  The ipod with the most change is the nano where it’s gone back to the long shape. Apparently many people didn’t like the little fatty, i personally thinks it’s ok.  It comes with an accelerometer so when tilted sideways would make it landscape mode.  Also, there’s this new cool feature where you shake the nano, it will shuffle to a new song.  The Touch now looks similar to the iphone 3G but with a chromed curved back, also there is now a build-in speaker with physical volume controls on the side.  You can also record voice as Apple have finally enabled Audio-in via the headphone jack.  Check it out here.

Apple’s new range of Ipods are here

My Ipod Touch

I recently purchase an Ipod Touch, must say, this device is absolutely gorgeous. The interface is second to none. The best bit is actually all the third party software that can be used on it. Therefore my dilemma is, should I jailbreak it now or wait til the SDK is out in March??


My Ipod Touch